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17. CVS has been a major health issue for over thirty years. True False Cannot say There are actually two reasons for not being able to determine whether this is true or false. The most important is that the passage tells us CVS “has developed into a major health issue for office workers” whereas the question is asking about people generally. We are not told about CVS in non-office workers. The other reason this would be difficult to determine as certainly true or certainly false is that we are not told when the passage was written. Depending on when it was written would make the statement either true or false.

18. Having the correct combination of lighting factors helps to reduce CVS. True False Cannot say The passage describes practical considerations that “reduce CVS” as making sure that the light inside the office is not too bright, that glare is reduced and that the screen’s brightness adjusted.

19. The regular use of eye drops can help relax the eyes and reduce the effects of CVS. True False Cannot say This may be true, but it is not referred to in the passage.

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