Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Data Interpretation

Detailed Solution

144. There were approximately 84,000 personnel altogether (73,000 soldiers and 11,000 officers).
Of these approximately 23,000 were infantry (20,000 soldiers and ~3,000 officers).
Percentage in the Infantry = 23000 ÷ 84000 = 27.4%.

145. The Royal Army Medical Corps had an officer to soldier ratio of about 1:3, higher than any other division except possibly the Army Air Corps which is not included as an option here.
This can be seen simply by inspection, don’t waste time calculating it.

146. There were about 10,000 soldiers in the Royal Logistics Corps out of approximately 73,000 soldiers altogether. That’s 10/73 x 100% = 13.70%
Therefore The number of new recruits to the Royal Logistics Corps = 13.7% of 20,964

147. Number of soldiers now = 73,000, number of soldiers 100 years ago = 372,000.
Now (73,000 ÷ 372,000) = 0.1962 so the decrease in number of soldiers was 1- 0.1962 = 80.4%.

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