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566. Erratic Behavior occurs when an individual acts in a manner that lacks consistency, regularity, and uniformity. Which situation below is the best example of Erratic Behavior?

(a) Julia cannot contain her anger whenever the subject of local politics is discussed
(b) Martin has just been told that he is being laid off. Before leaving his supervisor's office, he punches a hole in the door
(c) Rhonda has visited the dealership several times, but she still cannot decide which car to buy
(d) In the past month, Jeffrey, who has been a model employee for three years, has repeatedly called in sick, forgotten important meetings, and been verbally abusive to colleagues

567. Sitting in a row in front of a camera, Mr. X is on the left of the person sitting in the centre but is on the right of Mr. Y. Mr. P is on the right of Mr. Z and Mr. R is on the right of Mr. P. Mr. R is the second person from the person sitting in the centre. Who is the person sitting in the centre?

(a) Mr. R
(b) Mr. Z
(c) Mr. X
(d) Mr. Y

568. Five persons A, B, C, D and E are sitting in a row facing you such that D is on the left of C and B is on the right of E. A is on the right of C and B is on the left of D. If E occupies a corner position, then who is sitting in the centre?

(a) B
(b) A
(c) D
(d) C


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