1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
Passage Reading and English Comprehension
(a) tallest
| |
(b) shortest
| |
(c) average
| |
(d) thinnest
1997. The height of ---- giraffe can go up to 18 feet.
(a) male
| |
(b) female
| |
(c) both
| |
(d) none of the above
1998. The ---- of a female giraffe can be up to 15 feet.
(a) height
| |
(b) length
| |
(c) width
| |
(d) neck
1999. With this height it does't have to --- with other animals
(a) compete with birds
| |
(b) compete with other ground level leaf-eaters
| |
(c) fight with other animals
| |
(d) compete with monkeys
2000. This enables it to see ----- from a long distance.
(a) grass
| |
(b) trees
| |
(c) approaching enemy
| |
(d) other animals
2001. It, however, creates problem in reaching --- in tanks
(a) fruits
| |
(b) leaves
| |
(c) water
| |
(d) milk
Detailed Solution