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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Passage Reading and English Comprehension

716. In a recent study, anthropologists surveyed 250 adults who own pets and 250 adults who do not own pets on their interpersonal capacities. The questions asked of those who own pets and of those who do not own pets include tests for "computational requirements," that is, tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. While members of each group displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities, in general the adults who own pets were much more empathetic than those who do not own pets. This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet in spite of the personal sacrifice and the occasional inconvenience than people who are less empathetic.
Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the argument above?

(a) Most of the people surveyed, whether they own pets or do not own pets, display outstanding interpersonal capacities
(b) The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience
(c) The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience
(d) Interpersonal capacities entail tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple

717. In Eagletown High School, the average grades of the honor students have improved steadily in the science courses ever since the science program has been reinforced with increased hours of study and with outstanding teachers to help the below-average students raise their grades in science. However, even with the reinforced science program, many of the school's weakest students are still failing in science. Thus, the reinforced science program has failed to achieve its intended purpose.
Which one of the following identifies the flaw in the argument above?

(a) It overlooks the possibility that even many of the honor students would not have raised their grades in science without the reinforced science program
(b) It does not take into account that at least some of the below-average students could have raised their grades in science without the reinforced science program
(c) It presumes incorrectly that the grades in science of the weakest students could have been raised by the reinforced science program
(d) It rules out the possibility that the reinforced science program could have helped many of the below-average students raise their grades in science even if many weak students were not helped by it

718. Agronomists are hard at work developing a drought-resistant species of grass. They contend that this is essential even if the agricultural project will not yield any new knowledge about the genetic engineering of grass that could not be gotten by other means. For a future climate of increased global warming, they say, we will need the biotechnical knowledge that such an agricultural project will give us about the ability of grass to grow in a hot, dry environment.
Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?

(a) People will continue to plant grass lawns in the future era of global warming
(b) Global warming will turn all regions of the world into drought-stricken areas
(c) This agricultural project will succeed in developing a new species of grass
(d) A drought-resistant species of grass will rarely need to be watered

719. Revenues from the sales of existing homes increased 30 percent last year over the previous year. Thus, the real estate industry overall evidently is prospering. Yet twice as many real estate firms went bankrupt last year as in the preceding three years combined.
Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?

(a) Real estate prices have been increasing steadily over the last five years
(b) The real estate industry is presently undergoing consolidation, with the financially strongest firms aggressively buying up the smaller businesses
(c) The cost of a new home is currently one and one half times on average that of an existing home, down from about double only eighteen months
(d) Demographic surveys show that the age-group 30-45, which traditionally comprised the bulk of existing housing consumers, is 25% smaller than it was during the baby boom

720. Daring Designs, a fashion house, promises its new and inexperienced employees that they will be promoted to designer within five years. As evidence, consider the fact that Daring Design's top designer, Ms. Pompadour, worked as a pattern cutter, an entry-level job requiring no experience, when she first started at Daring Design.
Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?

(a) Ms. Pompadour worked at Daring Designs for five full years before being promoted to top designer
(b) While employed at the less-skilled tasks, Daring Design's employees receive the lowest salary in the industry
(c) It does not take more than five years to learn the skills required of a top designer
(d) Daring Designs hires fashion graduate interns and employs them briefly in each of the lower-level positions before promoting them to designer


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