1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
Passage Reading and English Comprehension
(a) running stream
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(b) tower clock
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(c) fishermen cry
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(d) cock's singing
2250. The owl prefers
(a) hay mowing
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(b) lonliness
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(c) hooting with other owls
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(d) watching of milk maids
2251. The poem describes
(a) cats
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(b) milk maids
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(c) cock
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(d) an owl
2252. A word in the poem which means a "a roof covering" is
(a) Whirring
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(b) thatch
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(c) hay
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(d) latch
2253. Morning acivities described in the poem are
(a) Milking of cows and cocks crowing
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(b) Mowing of grass and running of streams
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(c) running of dogs and running of streams
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(d) hooting of owls and varking of dogs
Detailed Solution