Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Analytical Ability

Some logical reasoning questions ask you to determine the method the speaker is using when he or she presents the argument.Method-of-argument questions ask you to demonstrate an understanding of how a speaker’s argument is put together. To determine the method of argument, again focus on the conclusion and on the evidence presented.What method does the speaker use to link the two?

Answer question 74 on the basis of the information below.

I know that our rules prohibit members from bringing more than one guest at a time to the club, but I think there should be an exception to the rule on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Members should be allowed to bring multiple guests on those days, since the majority of members use the club facilities on the other four days of the week.

74. The rules restricting the number of guests a member can bring to the club probably are intended to

(a) assure that members are not crowded by the presence of guests
(b) provide extra income for the club on slow days
(c) allow members to bring guests to the club for special events
(d) restrict guests to public areas of the club

Answer questions 75 on the basis of the information below.

A recent study on professional football players showed that this new ointment helps relieve joint pain. My mother has arthritis, and I told her she should try it, but she says it probably won’t help her.

75. What argument should the mother use to point out why the ointment probably will not help her arthritis?

(a) The ointment was just experimental
(b) The ointment is expensive
(c) Football players’ joint pain is not the result of arthritis
(d) She has already tried another ointment and it didn’t work


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Questions_on_Analytical_Ability Questions_on_Analytical_Ability

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