Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Analytical Ability

273. Fiona, Georgia, Heather, Ian, John, Kilgore and Lumina are forming a line, trying to get tickets to a concert.
Fiona is standing in front of Ian.
John is standing in front of Heather.
If John is not first in line, Lumina is standing somewhere in front of him.
Ian is standing immediately in front of or immediately behind Kilgore.
If John is fourth in line, which one of the following CANNOT be true?explanation

(a) Fiona is behind Lumina
(b) Heather is in front of Ian
(c) Kilgore is behind Fiona
(d) Georgia is behind Heather

274. Six out of eight people – a florist, gardener, historian, inventor, jeweller, locksmith, mailman and optician – introduce their occupation in a two-day career event, three people each day, each in a different time slot: morning, mid-day and afternoon.
The florist can only speak on day 2.
The gardener and the locksmith cannot speak in mid-day.
If the gardener speaks on day 1, the optician and the jeweller speak on day 2.
The inventor and the mailman will not speak on the same day.
If both the inventor and the locksmith are speaking, the inventor speaks sometime before the locksmith.
If both the jeweller and the florist speak, but not on the same day, which of the following CANNOT be true?explanation

(a) The inventor speaks in the afternoon, right after the florist
(b) The gardener speaks on day 1
(c) If the locksmith speaks in the morning, the inventor speaks in the afternoon
(d) If the gardener is selected to appear, he will speak in the morning

275. Review the facts below.
• Cleo is a good dog.
• Colonel is a bull.
• Good dogs are fast and keep the house safe.
• Bulls do not make noise.
Based on the information above, which of the following MUST be true?

(a) Cleo is a quiet dog
(b) Colonel can run very fast
(c) Colonel moos almost every night
(d) Cleo is a fast dog


Detailed Solution

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