Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Analytical Ability

319. Five bears – Jinan, Knot, Lee, Mushu and Nee-Hau – are kept in three adjacent rooms numbered 1-3 from left to right.
There is at least one bear in each room.
Knot is in a room to the left of Lee's.
Mushu and Nee-Hau are not kept in the same room.
Either Mushu or Jinan, but not both, are kept in room 2.
Nee-Hau is kept in room 3.
Which one of the following pairs could be the only occupants of a single room?explanation

(a) Jinan, Knot
(b) Knot, Nee-Hau
(c) Mushu, Jinan
(d) Lee, Knot

320. Each country was visited by at least one of the travellers.
Each traveller visited either two or three different countries.
Only one traveller visited Qatar.
Every traveller who visited Mauritania went to Nepal as well.
A traveller who visited Qatar did not visit Peru.
John visited all of the countries Kate did.
If Lenny did not travel to Qatar, then which one of the following CANNOT be true?explanation

(a) Lenny travelled to Peru
(b) Lenny travelled to Oman
(c) John travelled to Mauritania
(d) Kate travelled to three different countries

321. People often become trapped in a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation, perhaps because of an urgent project at work. A paradoxical effect of sleep deprivation is that the more tired people get, the less tired they feel, since the body learns to function on fewer hours of sleep. Therefore, when the project is done and from that night on they go back to sleeping the recommended number of hours per night, they suffer from the negative effects of "sleep-bingeing" as if they have over-slept. "Sleep-bingeing" can result in a foggy brain and migraine headaches.
Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn from the passage?

(a) They are bound to feel less tired after getting the amount of recommended sleep than when they were sleep deprived
(b) They cannot go back to sleeping the recommended number of hours per night without experiencing the negative effects
(c) They should add hours of sleep gradually over a period of several days or a week
(d) They should set a permanent number of hours of sleep that is midway between those of sleep deprivation and of sleep-bingeing

322. The hospital's nutritionists decided that they would no longer serve patients foods containing raw eggs, such as chocolate mousse, since raw eggs could infect patients with salmonella. The nutritionists, however, felt secure that they could safely continue to serve patients foods containing cooked eggs, such as omelets. Nonetheless, the hospital has still experienced outbreaks of salmonella, but now, all of the hospital's salmonella cases occurred after patients had eaten cooked eggs. This indicates that, contrary to popular opinion, eating raw eggs is not more dangerous than eating cooked eggs.
Which one of the following identifies the flaw in the above argument?

(a) It overlooks the possibility that some strains of salmonella primarily infect raw eggs
(b) It bases its conclusion on a group of people who are already ill
(c) It does not consider the fact that the source of the salmonella could be infected kitchen equipment and not eggs
(d) It fails to take into account the possibility that the number of cases of salmonella would increase significantly if patients ate raw eggs


Detailed Solution

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