Aptitude Tests 4 Me

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1. Passage Reading 2. Verbal Logic 3. Non Verbal Logic 4. Numerical Logic 5. Data Interpretation 6. Reasoning 7. Analytical Ability 8. Quantitative Aptitude

Analytical Ability

301. Five bears – Jinan, Knot, Lee, Mushu and Nee-Hau – are kept in three adjacent rooms numbered 1-3 from left to right.
There is at least one bear in each room.
Knot is in a room to the left of Lee's.
Mushu and Nee-Hau are not kept in the same room.
Either Mushu or Jinan, but not both, are kept in room 2.
Nee-Hau is kept in room 3.
Adding which one of the following to the existing conditions would enable determining the room each bear is kept in?

(a) Only one bear is kept in room 3
(b) The room Mushu is kept in is to the left of Knot
(c) Jinan and Knot are not kept in the same room
(d) Jinan and Lee are not kept in the same room

302. John, Kate and Lenny just came back from trips to the following countries: Mauritania, Nepal, Oman, Peru and Qatar.
Each country was visited by at least one of the travellers.
Each traveller visited either two or three different countries.
Only one traveller visited Qatar.
Every traveller who visited Mauritania went to Nepal as well.
A traveller who visited Qatar did not visit Peru.
John visited all of the countries Kate did.
Which one of the following countries could have been visited by all three travellers?

(a) Oman
(b) Nepal
(c) Mauritania
(d) Peru

303. A driving instructor was pointing out road violations incurred by drivers he was passing on the road. But he cannot be considered a reliable judge of such matters: his own graduates have been seen committing similar violations.
Which one of the following most closely parallels the reasoning used in the above argument?

(a) Your telephone company should not add on such a high surcharge: yours is the only telephone company that takes the maximal charge allowed by law
(b) Your soccer coach cannot be trusted to judge our soccer training methods: he is the youngest and least experienced soccer coach in the club
(c) Your travel magazine should not publish this article on fraud in popular resorts: your sales depend on not alienating the travel industry audience
(d) Your English teacher cannot be trusted to judge our spelling and grammar as faulty: similar errors have been found in her own students' compositions

304. Letter to the Editor: According to last Saturday's editorial, someone who is deaf has almost no chance of earning an average or above average income. This is clearly false. Income tax reports show that at least 60 percent of people who are handicapped earn an average or above average salary. All deaf people are handicapped, so although some deaf people may earn a below average income, a large percentage of them earn an average or above average salary.
Which one of the following most closely parallels the reasoning in the argument above?

(a) A large percentage of vegetarians are thin. Thus, since Buddhists are vegetarians, a large percentage of Buddhists are thin
(b) Teachers have educational training, and a large percentage of them also have psychological training. Therefore, some people who have psychological training also have educational training
(c) Since a large percentage of the youth go on treks to India, and since travel to India requires vaccinations, all the youth who have travelled to India required vaccinations
(d) A large percentage of the obese have diabetes. Since anyone who has diabetes must take insulin, it follows that many of the obese take insulin


Detailed Solution

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