1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
Analytical Ability
(a) When one person has a monopoly on a necessary product or service, the price for the product or service goes up
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(b) When a new worker takes over a service, their rates will almost always be higher than those who began providing the service many years ago
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(c) Over time, the service of foreign-language tutoring had become more prestigious and, hence, more expensive
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(d) The transportation expenses are covered solely by the teacher's fees
332. Comparative psychologists have observed that males and females, in general, differ in the way they carry books while walking. A high percentage of females will partially cover their body with the books they are carrying, while most males carry their books at the side of their body, leaving the front uncovered. The most common explanation of this observation is that women typically have less strength than men, making it difficult to balance, and resulting in the need to rest the objects they are carrying on their bodies. However research shows that even female weightlifters are more likely to cover their body with the books they are carrying.
Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion of the above passage?
(a) The manner in which males and females carry books is a learned behavior
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(b) Females are more conservative than males, hence they retain the old-fashioned way of carrying books
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(c) Strength in women does not appear to be the reason why women cover their body with the books they are carrying
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(d) Since females have difficulty balancing the books they carry at their sides, they partially cover their body with their books
333. Two experimental fields were each planted with wheat. Potash was added to the first field but not to the second. The first field produced 151 bushels of wheat per acre and the second field produced 110 bushels of wheat per acre. Since nothing else but water was added to either field, the higher yields in the first field must been due to the potash. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?explanation
(a) A small amount of the potash leached into the second field
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(b) Wheat in a third experimental field, to which a high-nitrogen fertilizer was added, but no potash, produced 130 bushels of wheat per acre
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(c) Four different types of wheat were grown in equal proportions in each of the fields
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(d) The two experimental fields were located in different states
Detailed Solution
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