1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
213. (b) do not pay enough attention to the features of a folktale that best reveal an African influence (Becasue the first line tells that "unfortunately taken precedence over analysis of the tales’ meaning and function")
214. (c) change the focus of a field of study (Becasue the author is seriously concerned that "Extended debate concerning the exact point of origin of individual folktales" has become more than "tales’ meaning and function")
215. (d) The specific way the slaves used folktales to impart moral teaching to their children (Because the passage suggests that "Euro-American tales whose functional meaning and aesthetic appeal had the greatest similarity to the tales with deep roots in their ancestral homeland.")
216. (c) Juxtaposing statements of what is not the case and statements of what is the case (juxtapose literally means to place close together or side by side. Here the author first talks about the excessive importance being given to the origin of Afro-American folk tales and then concludes that regardless of the origin "with respect to language, delivery, details of characterization, and plot, slaves quickly made them their own")