1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
Passage Reading and English Comprehension
(a) was born blind
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(b) lost his sight when he was a child
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(c) lost his sight accidentally when he was forty-three years old
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(d) was not blind, but studied at a school for the blind
355. Before Braille's invention, the blind had difficulty in reading because
(a) there were only printed books
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(b) there were no schools for the blind
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(c) the few books available used the raised letters of the ordinary alphabet
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(d) the books meant for the blind were heavy
356. Braille's system uses
(a) only six dots
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(b) numbers and musical notations
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(c) ordinary alphabets in big raised type
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(d) a combination of alphabet and punctuation
357. Braille's system allows the blind
(a) to write with ease
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(b) to read easily
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(c) to read as well as write with ease
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(d) to read easily but to write eith great effort
Detailed Solution