1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
Passage Reading and English Comprehension
(a) 20%
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(b) 14%
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(c) 23%
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(d) Cannot say
1075. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has begun an investigation into Britain's car insurance industry after prices soared by twenty five percent in the last two years. The regulatory body beleive that a restriction has been placed on the market by a lack of competition between insurance providers.
In addition, the OFT suggest that the increasing popularity of comparision sites has led to an increase in referral fees, which insurance companies passed on to drivers. Further research into the issue is being carried out and is predicted to be completed in the spring of next year.
Which one of the following reasons the OFT blame for the rise in cost for car insurance?
(a) An increase in referal fees covered by the insurance provider
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(b) An increase in referal fees that get passing on to drivers
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(c) An increase in referal fees that are passed on to the OFT
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(d) A lack of competition between OFT providers
1076. The luxury goods market has seen a sudden slump in sales in China thanks to the emergence of Chinese labels. While China's love of Western brands, such as Prada and Louis Vuitton, shows no sign of ending, a new group of smaller luxury Chinese companies is gaining in popularity.
Such companies try to promote traditional Chinese values, rather than the exclusivity of Western labels that have been ever popular in China. Feedback for the new rivals has been positive so far, yet they are expected to face an up-hill struggle as Western heavy-weights rise to meet the challenge.
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) Luxury Chinese labels decreased sales of western luxury goods
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(b) Chinese companies are emulating the exclusivity of Western luxury goods
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(c) Chinese companies are trying to promote traditional values
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(d) The Western market is rising to the challenge of Chinese companies
1077. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has announced that the number of cases of anapjylactic shocj in the UK has risen by over 600 per cent in the past twenty years. Anaphylaxis is usually triggered by an allergic reaction and can cause a decrease in blood pressure, swelling of the affected area and a difficulty to breathe. Such reactions, which can cause death or serious illness in otherwise healty individuals, are estimated to affect an average of fifty-thousand people over the course of their lifetime. Guidelines for dealing with anapjylactic shock were published by NiCE and include advise such as giving those who have previously suffered from anaphylaxis an adrenaline injection, which they can administer themselves in the advent of a future attack. Such measures may prove lifesaving.
Which one of the following statements is definitely correct?
(a) UK annual Anaphylactic shock cases are numbered at fifty-thousand
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(b) UK Anaphylactic shock cases have risen over six hundred percent in ten years
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(c) Injection of adrenaline is the only cure for anaphylactic shock
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(d) Anaphylactic shock can cause death or serious illness in healthy individuals
1078. Over the past decade, the process of out-sourcing has become a common aspect of daily life for many British companies. However, a local government authority recently took this phenomenon to a new level when it out-sourced its waste-collection, leisure facilities, planning, licensing and pest control. Acting now in a supervisory role, the local authority now haas only fourteen remaining employees. A spokesman for the council stated that this move aimed to reduce spending cuts, as central government grant money is cut substantially across the country.
Talking about ther work load since the job cuts, a remaining employee commented that the cuts have brought more variety to her day as different tasks now come under one officer, when they would have been suggested prior to the cuts. It remains to be seen whether such changes will stream line local government authorities into more commercial like operations.
Which of the following statements is not mentioned by the passage?
(a) Local authorities are considering new ways to save money
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(b) Since outsourcing, remaining employees have more variety in their day
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(c) Out-sourcing has become common practice in many companies
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(d) Authorities must act like commercial operations to survive funding cuts
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