1. Passage Reading
2. Verbal Logic
3. Non Verbal Logic
4. Numerical Logic
5. Data Interpretation
6. Reasoning
7. Analytical Ability
8. Quantitative Aptitude
39. (b) suggesting an approach to solving a problem (Because the author has taken up the problem of desertification its reasons and suggested an approach to find carrying capacity for pastures by using adequate statistical measures by the land managers)
40. (d) I, II, and III (Because the first para tells about "relatively large herds, marginal rangelands and the the onset of a series of dry years beginning at the end of the rainy season in 1967")
41. (d) expect a drastic change in weather conditions (Because the first para suggests that "The mistaken idea that drought is an unexpected event")
42. (a) still hypothetical rather than practical (Becasue the the second para tells that "Although there appears to be widespread agreement that such a determination would be significant, there has been little agreement on how to make operational the concept of carrying capacity")
43. (a) The scientist has not provided the manager with clear guidelines that can be used in regulating the productivity of land (Because the second para tells that "Such inconclusiveness within the scientific community, while understandable, creates confusion for the land managers")
44. (d) It is not always the result of drastic climate changes alone (Because in the first para the author tells that "that long-range planning has failed to take rainfall variability into account" thereby accepting that nature has a role to play in desertification and subsequently he suggests the calculation of "ecologically realistic carrying capacity" to combat desertification)
45. (c) complex (Because in the last para the author concludes that "no single number can adequately describe the climate regime of an arid or semiarid region")
46. (b) objective (Because throughout the autor has shown concern about finding means to combat desertification in an objective manner without using any loose statements or criticizing anybody)